If you’re hoping to save money on your online purchases, it might be time to look into product protection. Having a straightforward, inexpensive product protection plan with great coverage can play a big role in helping you save money and make the most out of your purchases.
However, finding the best warranty to cover your purchases is often harder than it sounds. Let’s take a look at two popular product protection plans, Mulberry and AKKO insurance, to see how they compare and which one is the best option for you.
AKKO Insurance
AKKO offers two types of insurance: AKKO phone insurance and an all-inclusive AKKO plan. Here’s what they both cover:
AKKO phone insurance
The AKKO phone insurance plan allows you to protect your phone (only one per plan), with coverage for accidents, theft, and battery and parts failures. The plan allows unlimited claims and costs between $5 and $12 per month. There are also deductibles when you make a claim (between $29 and $99 per month).
If you’re thinking about purchasing AKKO insurance, review the terms and conditions first to make sure you’re fully up to speed on what extra costs are involved.
The AKKO Everything Protected plan
AKKO also offers another plan (The AKKO Everything Protected plan) that allows you to insure not only your phone, but 25 additional items too. The plan includes coverage for accidents, theft, and battery and parts failures, as well as unlimited claims (up to $2,000).
This all-inclusive plan costs $15 per month, and deductibles cost between $29 and $99 (for non-phone items, the cost is $99 per adult). Family plans offer a 5% discount per phone added.
Mulberry Unlimited
Mulberry Unlimited offers an alternative to traditional extended warranties that you can use to protect almost any of your online purchases. You won’t have to worry about any hidden fees or deductibles, and you’ll enjoy accidental coverage for all of your eligible purchases. Here’s a quick look at some of the accidental damage coverage that Mulberry Unlimited offers:
- Stains and spills
- Cracks
- Seam separation
- Liquid marks and rings
- Burn marks
- Power surge damage
- Mechanical and electrical issues
Another benefit of Mulberry Unlimited is that it's only $9.99 per month. The unlimited subscription allows you to add as many products as you’d like to the plan at no extra charge, and you’ll have all repairs and replacements covered up to $2,500 per year.
Although you might think of extended warranties for large purchases like cars, did you know that you can get product protection for almost any online purchase with Mulberry Unlimited? Here are just a few of the products that you can protect with a Mulberry Unlimited subscription plan:
- Bikes and eBikes
- Large appliances
- Small appliances
- Luggage and bags
- Jewelry
- Rugs
- Furniture
- Electronics
- Watches
- Sports and fitness equipment
Mulberry vs. AKKO: What’s the difference?
There are several key differences between Mulberry and AKKO. First, AKKO’s unlimited subscription is $15 per month, while Mulberry’s is only $9.99.
Another difference is that with a Mulberry Unlimited subscription, you’ll never have to pay any deductibles, while the AKKO warranty requires you to pay deductibles for every claim.
Additionally, while AKKO allows you to cover extra items in addition to your phone under the Everything Protected plan, you can only include up to 25 items. With the Mulberry Unlimited subscription, however, you can cover unlimited items (although it’s important to note that your cellphone cannot be included in your Mulberry Unlimited subscription; you can purchase a separate plan for that though!).
Which warranty is better for you?
In the end, while an AKKO insurance plan has its benefits, Mulberry plans are ultimately a better bang for your buck. For less than $10 per month, you can purchase a product protection plan that covers unlimited purchases, so you’ll be prepared for whatever accidents or mishaps come your way. As a bonus, Mulberry guarantees that you’ll pay the lowest price on the market, so you’ll always get the best bang for your buck.