Mulberry Blog

Why you need an extended warranty for your baby stroller

Written by Kim Miller | Mar 31, 2023 12:00:00 AM

Baby strollers are crucial for any parent. They go with you everywhere, even once your little one can walk, and can help get your kids securely from place to place. It’s certainly not a piece you want to take the cheap road on, but how can you justify spending all that money?

The answer can be easy: An extended warranty plan. When you protect your baby stroller with an extended warranty, you can have peace of mind knowing it's covered in case of damage, accidents, or even normal wear and tear. Shop with the Mulberry browser extension to find the best product protection plans available for your baby stroller.

Why do you need an extended warranty for your baby stroller?

We’ve lined out some great reasons why you need an extended warranty on your baby’s stroller, and other ways to feel more comfortable with that larger price tag.

Justifying initial investment

Speaking of investment, strollers can be expensive, with many in the $450+ price range. Strollers like the Mockingbird stroller or the YOYO stroller can be quite the chunk of cash to drop initially, but when you think of all the years of use and options, it can be reassuring, especially when you have a protection plan on your side.


Models like the YOYO stroller allow you to select colors and pick which option you’re looking for. Whether it’s convertible from a newborn stroller to a toddler option, being able to lay down like a bassinet stroller, and more, the YOYO stroller lets you be in control of the design.

Designed for a growing family

Options like the Mockingbird stroller make a lot of sense when you’re planning for more than one child. They have several customizable options for up to 3 children to ride safely in the unit. The Mockingbird stroller could easily be in your family for 10 years with that kind of flexibility. And when you get an extended warranty, you know you’ll be covered for all the years you plan to use it.

Made for multiples and all the gear

Wagon strollers easily go into the $300+ price range, and are a great option for families with multiple toddlers to younger kids. They’re also spacious, and allow for more freedom than some other strollers.

But remember, this isn’t a newborn stroller option, so it doesn't get you quite as far as a Mockingbird or YOYO stroller might. They are still well worth it for families that go on a lot of trips out to the zoo, or other full day excursions that require lots of packing.

Wear and tear

Let’s talk wear and tear. If you’ve had a stroller before or you’ve seen other parents carting them around, you know they can be heavy and usually get thrown in and out of vehicles. They can go off-road and may not always have the most ideal terrain to roll on, creating potential for a bearing to go out, wheels to pop, or other damage. Getting an extended warranty can cover these costs so you don’t have to.

A warranty without the worry 

We’re sure you’ve gotten a warranty on something and when time comes to use it, you’re out of luck. The warranty company or manufacturer says you don’t have coverage for that item or you’re at fault.

An extended warranty, on the other hand, covers just about everything. From accidental damage like cracks and breaks to scratches and cosmetic damage, extended warranty plans provide the most comprehensive coverage available.

Shop with the Mulberry browser extension to get free or cheap product protection on all your baby stroller needs and more.